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Ayurveda - Energy source of life

Article Title : AYURVEDA - SCIENCE AND KNOWLEDGE ( Vedas ) LIFE ( Ayus ) Theme : AYURVEDA - ENERGY SOURCE OF LIFE . For Paula T. A. Queiroga  * The Universe is governed by energy. Anything that creates , maintains , and has transformed life is ruled by power . The body is governed by energy. Energy is the driving force . Expresses causes stimuli . Energy is a continuous and uninterrupted flow and potentially creator, maintainer and transformer, which nourishes , strengthens , gives health, vitality , governed by Universal Scientific laws that underpin the whole order of life in the Cosmos . The cleverly grouped , physical elements allow the formation of chemical compounds that promote the existence of life in its breadth and the human being in his physical body . The air we breathe, the water we drink the warmth and sunshine, the food we eat , and the empty space that we occupy and circled , magnetic and electromagnetic fields make up the matrix that allow the existence of life called Human Being governed by an intelligence natural which makes co -creator through the power of thought . All that sustains and organizes the life of the human being in the physical body comes from natural resources that give us the energy of life : These natural resources are available in space ( magnetism ) , air ( breathing) , the fire ( transformation) , water (nutrition) , the land (maintenance) . All forms of nutrition influences generate for their content independent of installed capacity because there simply are naturally accessible and we are co - creators of influences forces through these fields of natural nutrition, through thought . We are a synthesizing source of energy that generate power and earn been shaped material forms . We are a well diversified exemplary in material form and able to co -create an unprecedented manner , and similar copies only ! The human body is governed by energies : The governing all The movements that govern all transformations that govern everything that keeps In Western science, these energies are known as anabolism , metabolism and catabolism . In the science of Ayurveda , these energies are known as Vata , Pitta and Kapha and are formed by clusters of forces based on the five elements that constitute life that generate a power quality . Vata is the effect of ether and air responsible for the movement . Pitta is the action of water and fire responsible for processing and maintaining the action Kapha is water and earth responsible for sustaining support . They are all driving forces that keeps the vital flow of the human body in balance if fluidic harmonically . So in our body circulates energy when it flows , promotes health and suffers when any changes (disability, excess or stagnation ) , leads to a disease state . It's what we call a broken or clogged inflow stream that signals discomfort to anchor the disease manifests itself . Ayurveda provides scientific knowledge in order to maintain or reestablish and strengthen the natural flow of energy circulation resulting benefits and redemption of health balance and strengthening vital energy . The ancient science of Ayurveda provides knowledge of health and vitality through : Dinacharya : Day by Day Routines for health Ritucharya routines Sanzonais health Shamanas : Therapies mitigation and neutralization of toxins Shodanas : therapies for purification and detoxification Santosha : therapies rebalancing , and health maintenance Among the many tools that are used Ayurveda : Guidelines for the practice of mental health staff and social life based on moral precepts governing the Laws of the Universe through: practice breathing right and proper activities ( pranayama ) practices of correct and adequate physical activity ( asanas , and sports and physical activities in general that provide health benefits ) . Hygiene and cleanliness of the physical body and life ( home, workplace, street, city , district , ... ) environment. Practices of contemplation , meditation , leisure , hobbies , rest, altruistic social activities. Food, nutrition and proper dietary health and wellness of the individual according to their predominant constitution ( Prakritti ) . Care practices , worship , service , respect and conscious and correct use of the elements ( air, space, fire , water, earth ) and sense organs ( ears , nose , palate , eyes , touch) . Rescue tools of health imbalances through the aromas , sounds , textures , temperatures , colors and flavors . These tools are considered treatments and are called Aromatherapy , herbal medicine , massage therapy, dietetics and nutrition, gem therapy , argilaterapia , meditation , and other more complex , which fall under the category of medical practice of Ayurveda itself and all in order to rescue the health and welfare of the human being as a whole ( mind body energy) . Paula T A Queiroga- Ayurvedic Body Therapist . Studying Ayurveda in Brazil 13 years ago . Degree in Public Relations , Organizational Management Specialist , Photographer, Poet , Writer , Artisan , Culinarista , and Lover of Good Living .


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